Funeral Services

Organization of funerals, ceremonies, burial, cementery care in Armenia.
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Funeral Services

Organization of funerals, ceremonies, burial, cementery care in Armenia.

"Father and Son Khublaryan" company started its activity in 1986 as a furniture and woodworking factory.

The 1988 earthquake caused the factory to divert from its core activities and produce coffins to help the state and the families of the many victims.

The earthquake was followed by the war and the Father and Son Company Khublaryan had to unwittingly stand by the relatives of the deceased in this though situation.

In 2009, the company "Father and Son Khublaryan" separated funeral services from the furniture factory and was named MEMORIAL.

Our Services

We can also here to help you in

  • Assistance in paperwork, funeral arrangements, transportation and preparation of the body for burial, etc.
  • Organization of farewell, funeral, memorial meal
  • Preparing the body for parting, embalming
  • Transportation of the body to the morgue and cemetery, manual carrying of the coffin, transportation of cargo 200 in compliance with all norms and standards
  • Preparing the grave for burial
  • Production and sale of wreaths, coffins, monuments and other funeral items
  • Caring for the graves in the event that relatives of the deceased, for health reasons or due to remoteness from the place of burial, cannot themselves clean and maintain it in a decent form.
  • Musical accompaniment to the funeral
Prepayment form
Contact Us

Tel: +374 10704070

Mob +374 77800080

Contact via Whatsapp (press)

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RA, 0020, Yerevan Ayvazovski str., 14/4 bld